Can you imagine a world without books?

How inconceivable is a world without books, to we who are surrounded, enchanted, comforted, thrilled, enthralled and enriched by them?

How possible might it be, in this time of planetary crises, to teach children, through story books and poems, respect for the earth and oceans and to seed a lasting and deep reverence for creation?

How conceivable is a world at peace, where childhood is not ransomed by arms-dealers and warmongers; where books are purveyed in place of weaponry; where ethics and morality are restored as humanity’s rightful hallmarks.

I have no doubt that my career as a novelist and poet began way back when, as a child, I was given story books that fired my imagination and introduced me to thrilling worlds outside of my own. Had I not read, I would never have developed a mind’s eye nor the skill required for creative composition.

Now, as an internationally published author, conscious of my literary privilege and wanting to share it, I’m constructing a sailing ship of wonder and imagination, one powered by mythical wind, designed to bring light in the form of books to children whose lives are spoilt or made fearful by the darkness of our times.

The sailing ship is called Seed Readers. Its cargo is story books. I invite you to help me launch it.

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