Maggie, Mango and Scottie

An adventure in Africa.
Maggie, the Victorian doll, is tired of sitting all day in the toyshop window.
When the shopkeeper isn't looking, she creeps out with her friends, Mango and Scottie.
They catch a taxi into deepest Africa, where they have an adventure.
'Earth Notes' at the end of the story give short descriptions of the animals, birds and insects that Maggie and her friends encounter on their adventure.
Suitable for children aged 3 – 5 (Read-to-me) 6- 8 (Read-alone)

“A bright, happy picture book!”
“A luscious, most pleasurable, vibrant picture book with super bright pictures and nature notes at the back.” Read the review.
“This is gorgeous story book, written in simple and accessible language, with beautiful illustrations.”
Key Review Words:
Gorgeous. Happy. Luscious.