Ways of Living:
Some Gathered Insights

Many people whose paths traversed mine, or ran parallel, or simply touched it briefly, have glittered my life with wisdoms, teachings and examples of how to live during our earthly sojourn.
Generally, they were not aware that they were giving, nor of what they were giving — light, courage, inspiration, guidance, a ‘wake up’ call — or the beneficence of a shared meal that provided more than sustenance.
Some alerted me to a book, a piece of music, a poem or a prayer that stayed with me, maturing and deepening as it did. Others bestowed simple kindness. Several trusted me with their deep secrets or safeguarded my own.
I learnt a great deal from wilderness and the natural world, and from the glorious creatures with whom we share our planet.
In gratitude and in homage for the enrichment of my life, I’ve consolidated these wisdoms and truths, combining them with what I, in turn, discerned. I now place this acumen into the collective human heart where it rightly belongs, offering it as a sort of mappa vivendi, to remind us of the miracle of life and our obligation to enact it with dignity and care.